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$68K grant results in $2.4 million in increased revenue

AURI’s work with rural cooperatives, thanks to a Rural Cooperative Development Grant from USDA, has resulted in $2.4 million in increased revenue for rural cooperatives in Minnesota.

AURI received the grant for $68,340 in 2013 and matched it with more than $23,000 of its own funds. As a result of these funds, AURI provided services to rural cooperatives including the creation and improvement of products and processes that use agriculture commodities and will result in economic growth and creation. Recently reported results for the year include:

67,774 cooperative members owners served

$310,000 in capital investment

8 jobs created or retained

$2,4300,000 in increased revenue for the co-ops*

*A direct result of services provided through AURI as a result of USDA’s Rural Cooperative Development Grant.