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About AURI

AURI’s Innovation Strategy

The Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI) helps develop new uses for agricultural products through science and technology, partnering with producers, businesses and entrepreneurs to bring ideas to reality.

AURI project map

AURI has worked with clients across the Midwest. Use this map to see locations of past AURI projects.

We generate economic impact in Minnesota communities by helping businesses take advantage of innovative opportunities in four focus areasbiobased productsrenewable energycoproducts and food.

We provide a broad range of services to expand markets, develop new uses and improve processes. AURI provides hands-on scientific technical assistance and a targeted network of resources to develop value-added uses for crops and coproducts. We provide applied research services and product development assistance to create new ag-based products, process refinements and help move them to market.

With unique facilities and professional staff, AURI is a one-of-a-kind resource that provides assistance to Minnesota businesses looking to create more value for the state’s agricultural products.

AURI takes a deliberate approach to developing agriculturally-based innovations. These advancements don’t just happen, they are the result of focused research, strategic collaborations and an emphasis on implementation.

If you have an idea or need assistance in the development of an agriculturally-based product, we invite you to learn more about how we can help you.